Cactus Wren
Saguaro Cactus Blossom Yellow Palo Verde State Flag
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State Bird
Cactus Wren
Cactus Wren

The Arizona state bird is the Cactus Wren. The Cactus Wren is 7 to 8 inches tall. The colors on this bird are brown, white, and black. Its natural habitat is the desert. Its song is a territorial one that is not very musical. One of the Cactus Wren’s unique behaviors is that it likes to build its nests (it does have more than one nest) in the protection of thorny desert plants. This bird’s scientific name is Heleodytes Brunneicapillus Couesi. The Cactus Wren was adopted as the state bird in 1973. It was selected by the state government.   

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State Flower
Saguaro Cactus Blossom

Sugaro Cactus Blossom

Arizona’s state flower is the Saguaro Cactus Blossom. It is found in the lowland deserts of Arizona. The size of the Saguaro Cactus is 40 to 50 feet tall. The size of the flower is three inches. The colors of the flower petals are creamy white with an orange middle. The season of bloom for this flower is May and June. This flower has a fragrant aroma. The name the scientists have for this flower is Cereus Giganteus. When this flower got adopted it was 1901, Richard Cunigham McCormick picked it.   

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State Tree
Yellow Palo Verde

Yellow Palo Verde

The state tree of Arizona is the Yellow Palo Verde. It is found in the desert and foothills of Arizona. It is approximately 32 feet tall. Its leaves appear compound. (This means there appears to be two leaves in one.) They are half an inch long and green. The bark of this tree is smooth and yellow-green. (Later in the tree’s life it turns brown.) It’s a bit scaly. Native Americans ground up the seeds for flour and strung seeds for jewelry. The scientific name for the Yellow Palo Verde is Genus Cercidium. It was adopted in 1954. For this tree’s selection, the Arizona House of Representatives approved the bill. Governor John Howard Pyle signed it less than a week later.

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State Flag
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State Flag

This is about the Arizona state flag. The arrangement of objects on the flag is a star in the middle of the flag and rays colored red and gold. The 13 rays of red and gold represent the 13 original colonies. The copper-colored star in the middle stands for copper, because Arizona mines more copper than any other state. The bottom half of the flag is blue, the same liberty blue of the U.S. flag. It is also one of the state colors. This flag was adopted in 1917.     

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created June 2009
by: Cristina, Julia and Josephine