Louisiana State Symbols
Louisiana Poem
Brown Pelican
Magnolia Bald Cypress Louisiana state flag
Click on the symbols above to learn more about Louisiana.
State Bird
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

The brown pelican is about 6 feet tall with brown feathers.  It lives on both coasts of North and South America. It has a sparrow’s song.  The brown pelican is known for being a social bird, breeding, feeding and flying together.  The brown pelican is important in the state of Louisiana because European settlers thought the bird was generous and caring toward it’s young. The brown pelican became the state bird of Louisiana in 1966.

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State Flower

The Magnolia tree is 60 to 80 feet tall with flowers that have creamy white petals. It grows best on rich, loose, and moist soils along streams and near swamps in the coastal plain. The Magnolia flower is known for its lemony fragrance and its creamy white pedals. The Magnolia is important in the state of Louisiana because of the abundance of it throughout the state. The Magnolia became the state flower of Louisiana on July12, 1900.

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State Tree
Bald Cypress

The bald cypress is 100-120 feet tall with greenish yellow leaves. It grows in swampy areas. It is known for its durability. It is so durable that the early Native Americans used the tree for canoes.  It is important in the state of Louisiana because half of Louisiana timber comes from the bald cypress. The bald cypress became the state tree of Louisiana on 1963.

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State Flag
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Louisiana state flag

The Louisiana flag has a blue background with a white banner near the bottom. The words “Union, Justice, and Confidence” appear on the banner. These words are the state motto. There is a picture of a mother pelican stabbing her breast to feed her babies. This is a symbol of self-sacrifice. Long ago people told strange and wonderful stories about the brown pelican. This is important to the state of Louisiana because it symbolizes the state as the provider and protector of its people. The Louisiana flag was adopted on July 2, 1912.

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created May 2007
by: Stephen, Krista, Angela, Dominique, and Jonathan